Smoke Detectors are provided at no cost. We will install smoke detectors for residents inside the city limits of Madisonville
Madisonville Fire-Rescue
Standard Operating Procedures Effective 12/01/2015 - Purpose
This Standard Operating Procedure is to establish Procedures and Responsibilities within the Fire Department of the City of Madisonville. This S.O.P will insure that all Available
resources are applied in the most efficient manner to maintain the
highest fire protection readiness level possible. All procedures
outlined in this S.O.P will be strictly adhered to. However, this S.O.P
is a guide to sound judgment, and good common sense practices will be
applied to every situation. - SCOPE
S.O.P. outlines procedures for job accomplishment of the Chief,
Assistant Chief, Paid Firefighters and Volunteer Firefighters. It will
be applicable to all persons involved in fire suppression or all
operations concerning the Madisonville Fire-Rescue Department. - Objectives
- To offer the highest level of fire protection available.
- Maximize operational readiness of all Emergency Vehicles and Equipment.
- Early detection and correction of potential or actual equipment failure at the lowest practical level of maintenance.
- Responsibilities:
- To Advise the Fire Commissioner and/or the city council on all matters pertaining to the fire department.
- Function
as Chief responsible for the supervision of an efficient and economical
Fire Department. Coordinate all Activities pertaining to the fire
- Insure maximum emphasis on fire department
readiness by providing assistance and supervision of personnel to
insure an effective and efficient Fire Department operation.
- Coordinate with all other department heads for better understanding of all County wide operations.
- To promote a cohesiveness between all departments.
- To insure a High level of quality is being maintained in all levels of the operation.
- Insure that a high degree of professionalism is maintained with all
- Be responsible for discipline up to and including suspension and termination for all employees.
- Take Emergency Calls after hours.
Assistant Chief
- Will be directly responsible to the chief
- Will be responsible for the day to day operation concerns of the fire department.
- Maintain an open line of communication with the Chief and firefighters.
- Insure that all paperwork is completed in a timely manner.
- Oversee all maintenance to be performed.
- Ensure that all shifts are covered by appropriate employees.
- Will be responsible for discipline up to and including the suspension and termination of an employee.
- Acts as Chief at any emergency scene until the arrival of the chief
- Keep account of all firefighters work hours and time scheduling.
- Evaluate all personnel work performance
- Take emergency calls after hours.
- Firefighters will be responsible to the Assistant Chief or Chief.
- Rescue Victims from fire and entrapment.
- Provide Fire suppression operating in the Incident Command System.
- Assist in removing victims from catastrophe on the orders from the senior medical officer on scene.
- Maintain vehicles and communication equipment in a constant ready state.
- Maintain medical supplies and replenish as needed.
- Assist
in controlling crowds, protecting valuables, controlling traffic or
performing other duties as requested by the Incident Commander.
- Operate on an emergency scene only in the scope of your training.
- Clean and maintain vehicles and station each shift.
- Take Emergency calls after hours.
Volunteer Firefighters
- Is responsible to the Assistant Chief or Chief.
- Must attend a minimum of 80% of all training sessions
- Must
complete both basic and live firefighting within a calendar year after
joining the department. (excused only if no courses can be located
- Must perform duties that are assigned to them by the Incident Commander.
- Must operate on an emergency scene only in the scope of their training.
- Performs all duties that have been assigned to fulltime firefighters
*** These Job descriptions is not to be all inclusive. All firefighters ,from time to time ,will be asked to do other job related tasks that will be assigned by their immediate supervisor*** Training Requirements Fulltime personnel - Basic and Live Firefighting
- EMT – IV or Paramedic
- Firefighter I and II within 3 years becoming hired fulltime
- Vehicle Rescue
- Hazmat Operations, Technician preferred
- Pump Operations
Captain - Same as full time plus Officer I
Training Officer - Same as Full time and Captain plus Instructor I
Part-time personnel - Basic and Live Firefighting
- First Responder
- Vehicle Rescue
- Hazmat Operations
- FF I
- Pump Operations
Volunteer personnel - Basic and live Firefighting with in 1 year of joining if available
- Vehicle Rescue
- First Responder
- Hazmat awareness
Training Requirements Cont. - EVOC
Minimum Yearly Training Requirements per Member 58 hours annually per member, this equals 80% of the scheduled drills, or 19 of the 24 Tuesday night drills. - 40 hour department training
- 12 hours multi company training
- 6 hours night training
- We
will have 1 makeup drill per month during the day. If unable to make
either the regular drill or makeup drill must schedule your makeup time
with training officer. This must be made up by the end of the following
month, with all training to be completed by the end of November
- 20 hours per month company training per member
- 12 hours per year for officers
- 12 hours per year for driver / operators
Any Extra training you choose to attend maybe paid for with prior approval of Chief and Training Officer. Requirements for all new personnel - Must attend 40 hour Emergency Vehicle Driver Training program
- Must attend 240 hour recruit training program
- Must complete orientation program
Dress Code The
goal for Madisonville Fire-Rescue Department is to project a
professional appearance at all times, to that end we have established
dress code for all firefighters. The
standard uniform will be Blue shirt and brass, including but not
limited to collar pins, Badge, worn over left breast. Name plate, worn
over Right breast with Navy pants, Black Belt, Black Boots, All which
will be Department issued. The Chiefs
Standard uniform will be White Shirt and brass, including but not
limited to collar pins, Badge, worn over left breast. Name plate worn
over Right breast with navy pants, black belt, black boots. All which
will be Department issued The exception to this will be after 1800hrs or if the ambient temperature outside reaches 90 degrees, then you may change to a DEPARTMENT issued T-Shirt. This also applies to responding to calls which require use of FULL turnout gear. This list was not intended to be all inclusive and may be altered from time to time by the Chief of the department. Vehicle Operation and Response All
vehicle of the Madisonville Fire-Rescue Department will only be
operated by members of the department who poses a valid Tennessee
drivers license. Anyone operating a vehicle in emergency traffic must
have poses certification of Emergency Vehicle Operation Course
completion. Anyone operating an Engine shall only do so after
completing training to also operate the pump. The Madisonville Fire-Rescue Department has established this emergency response policy. ![bullet]( | ANY vehicle doesn’t move until everyone is seat belted. EVER! | ![bullet]( | ALL vehicles will always come to a complete stop if the traffic light is red. ALWAYS! | ![bullet]( | ALL vehicles will always come to a complete stop at a stop sign. ALWAYS! | The
driver will be held fully responsible for the operation of the vehicle
at all times. This includes the firefighters riding in the vehicle. If
the driver fails to follow the response the driver will be suspended
pending termination. All Emergency
responses require the use of both siren (audible warning) and red
lights (visible warning). Further, All non-emergency responses will be
without use of siren and red lights in accordance with Tennessee state
law. Personnel responding directly to a
scene in their personal vehicles shall yield the right of way to any
official emergency vehicle responding under emergency condition.
Remember, anytime you are involved in an accident in your personal
vehicle, your vehicle is not covered by any other insurance other than your own. Vehicle Operation and Response Cont. Emergency lights (red lights visible on front of vehicle) and siren are not permitted to be run by any Madisonville Fire-Rescue personnel on their personal vehicle. It
is the responsibility of all personnel to arrive on the scene in a
timely but safe manner to perform the necessary firefighting functions. Vehicle Appearance Vehicles will have a clean and presentable appearance; this includes washing vehicles and cleaning interior daily or as needed. If a unit is dirty after a response it must be cleaned immediately after the response and restocked as needed. Safety The
Madisonville Fire-Rescue Department establishes that operational safety
and firefighter survival is the primary goal of the department.
Constant evaluation and balancing of the risks to the firefighters
against any potential benefits that such firefighter exposure will
yield. To that end, The Madisonville Fire-Rescue Department establishes the following criteria for overall firefighting safety: - Department’s
personnel response will be made on the assumption that we can protect
lives and property and make a substantial difference at the scene.
- The risk of firefighter’s lives will be limited to protect savable life.
- Firefighter’s lives will not be intentionally endangered on savable property.
- Firefighter’s lives will not be intentionally endangered on lost life or property.
- An injured or deceased rescuer is no longer a rescuer.
Safety equipment On ALL fire incidents, the following safety equipment will be worn by all personnel on the scene. - Fire Helmet
- Fire Coat
- Fire Gloves
- Nomex Hood
- Bunker Pants
- Fire Boots
- Reflective vest if on the road.
The Madisonville Fire-Rescue Department strives to be safe in operations at all times. If any personnel arrive on scene without proper personal protection equipment, they will be removed until properly donned. Respirator Policy The Madisonville Fire-Rescue Department in co-operation with OSHA has established a respirator use policy. Since
there is no way for us to be site specific and classify what
contaminates is at all scenes and to provide the best possible safety
for our firefighters. We have classified all scenes to be an I D L H (Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) environment which requires use of an S C B A (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) to be used during at all times during operation at the scene. Fire ground Command A
goal of the Madisonville Fire-Rescue is to establish a sense of order,
unity, and control at the scene of any operation. To that end, all
operations of the Madisonville Fire-Rescue shall be guided by an
Incident Commander. This will help insure the safety of the
firefighters and the effectiveness of the firefighting effort. This
position will be filled by the senior officer, or the senior member on
scene until a more ranking person arrives on scene. Such command shall include, but is not limited to: - Assume Confirm, and position command.
- Evaluate the situation.
- Initiate, maintain and control communication
- Identify strategy (to include offensive or defensive strategies), develop attack plans, and assign units.
- Develop fire ground operation.
- Review, evaluate and revise the attack plan as needed.
- No operation shall be performed without the consent or knowledge of the I.C. (Incident Commander)
- Continue, transfer, and terminate command.
command operation shall be directed towards providing for firefighters
safety and effectiveness by establishing and maintaining control of
their positions and functions. Reports A
complete report shall be completed for each response. The report shall
be completed by the firefighter on duty. The report is necessary to the
department to maintain records of operation. The report may also be
needed by insurance companies or law enforcement agencies in their
investigation of the fire. All reports are to be completed immediately
following the response. All medical reports will be completed by
personnel that provide treatment and or is the highest medically
trained on scene. Dispatch of Vehicles - Structure fires: Engine 3- Engine 1-Engine 2- Service Truck
- Vehicle fires: Engine 3-Service Truck
- Vehicle wreck: Engine 3- Service Truck- Engine 1
- First response: Engine 3-Service Truck- Engine 1
- Back up in county Engine 1-Service Truck
- Back up out of co Engine 1
These dispatch instructions are not intended to be all inclusive and can be changed as the situation merits. Maintenance Each
paid firefighter shall have a daily inspection of all the vehicles.
Items such as radio, water level, fuel level, hand tools, hydraulic
rescue tools, hoses and flashlights shall be checked to ensure
readiness of the entire vehicle when needed. A log of inspections shall
be maintained to ensure deficiencies are corrected. This will be
completed by 0900 every shift. Vehicle
fluid levels (engine oil, coolant, battery water etc) shall be checked
daily and maintained at proper levels for operation. Each truck equipped with water shall have such tank maintained at full capacity for both emergency and safe operations. Fuel tanks shall be maintained with a minimum of ¾ full when available for emergency response. Station Maintenance Each
shift must clean the Bedroom, Day room and Bathroom. These rooms are to
be cleaned and swept daily and mopped as needed. The bay area must be
cleaned daily swept out and or washed. The bedroom is to be vacuumed
daily. Any other cleaning that arises to be done. General Rules The following conduct shall be grounds for immediate dismissal - The possession or consumption of an alcoholic beverage, illegal drug, or marijuana anytime the employee is on duty.
- Reporting to work under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, illegal drug, or marijuana.
- Being convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation.
- Falsifying information on any record that pertains to your job.
- Stealing from the department or another employee.
- Walking off the job or leaving the station unattended during your shift.
- Tampering with or destroying other people’s time card.
Conduct Cont. The
following conduct and or acts shall be grounds for disciplinary actions
up to and including dismissal as deemed necessary by the Chief. - Intentionally causing damage to the building, vehicles, furnishings, and equipment as well as personal property of others.
- Fighting, horseplay or any other unsafe behavior while on duty.
- Continued arguments and foul language between employees.
- Denial or refusal to respond to a call of any kind while on duty.
- Insubordination or refusal to carry out any reasonable assignment connected to the employees’ job.
- Continued rudeness to visitors or the public or fellow employees.
- Disclosing confidential information.
- Irregular attendance.
- Continual or frequent tardiness.
- Poor performance on the job affecting quality or quantity of work.
- Violation of employee guidelines or habitual disregard for departmental policy.
- When
employee is going to be absent for any reason the employee must notify
the Assistant Chief or Chief for approval. Failure to notify will
result in action. No time off will be paid unless approved by the Chief
or Assistant Chief.
- Employees will
be allowed visitors between the hours of 0830 till 2130. Visitors must
not interfere with employees’ job performance or other departments’
employees or operation Visitors are not allowed on calls except with
written permission from the Chief.
Disciplinary Action The
Madisonville Fire-Rescue Department has adopted the following policy on
discipline. Disciplinary action will normally be issued in a
progressive manner; however this may not always be the case. Each
incident will be handled on its own merit, but will adhere as closely
as possible to the guidelines below. Discussion / Verbal Warning The
purpose of the verbal warning is to emphasize the need to correct a
performance or behavior problem. The infraction will be brought to the
attention to the employee in a supportive but serious tone. The verbal
warning will be documented on informal notes and placed in the
employees personnel file. This document will include specific details
regarding the matter in question and should summarize the discussion
with the employee. If the unacceptable behavior is corrected then this
will not become part of the employee’s permanent record. The date and a
brief explanation will appear in the employees file from a period of 1
calendar year from the date of the offense. The employee is warned of
the next level of discipline if conformance is not achieved at this
level. Written Reminder The
purpose of the written reminder is to reemphasize the need for employee
to correct a problem or to conform to accepted standards of practice.
The employee will be provided with written documentation of the offense
and will be provided with documentation of the offence and will receive
a copy of the document that will become part of the employees permanent
record. Suspension This
action evolves a letter being placed in the employees personnel file in
addition to a specified period of time in which the employee is in a non-work/non-pay
status. The length of the suspension is determined by the nature of the
violation. A suspension may be the product of non-conformance following
a written warning or failure to observe the general rules, or orders. Termination A
proposal of termination is the most severe form of disciplinary action.
Employee nonconformance following suspension or failure to observe
general rules or orders may be the basis for this recommendation.
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